Appendix / Colors

Use the keywords associated with each color to receive further guidance and clarification with your question or intention.

Think about the primary colors of your meditation prompt(s). What colors stand out to you the most? Maybe another color besides the primary ones jumps out at you then that is the color you should explore. Trusting your instincts is key to developing your intuition.

If multiple colors resonate with you, prioritize their importance to the context of your question/intention.

Red Keywords: Root Chakra

Grounded, Individuality, Passion, Physical, Primal, Purpose, Security, Stability, Support, Survival

Orange: Sacral Chakra

Confidence, Connected, Creative, Expression, Fantasy, Movement, Pleasure, Relationships, Sexuality, Well Being

Yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra

Abundance, Bravery, Empowerment, Fulfillment, Intellect, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Strength, Trust, Wisdom

Green: Heart Chakra

Commitment, Compassion, Discernment, Forgiveness, Hope, Integration, Kindness, Love, Tenderness, Transformation

Blue: Throat Chakra

Communication, Expression, Faith, Integrity, Leadership, Listening, Openness, Perspective, Self-Knowledge, Truth

Indigo: Third Eye Chakra

Dreams, Ideas, Illumination, Inspiration, Intuition, Mind, Openness, Perception, Sense, Thoughts

Violet: Crown Chakra

Awareness, Consciousness, Divine, Mysticism, Oneness, Purification, Release, Source, Spirit, Universe